January 2025 Newsletter

2024 was a noteworthy year for Shushin Kai in many ways, the major one being the visit to Melbourne by Sensei Chris. The time shared with him over his two - week visit has extended your Sensei’s knowledge no end and for that we are forever grateful. There is no doubt that our karate is now as close as possible to that of the late Grand Master Ichikawa and being able to continue that legacy in its most traditional format not only makes our dojo unique but has placed a heavy burden on your instructors. We are looking forward to sharing and exploring the true Goju Ryu with our students and disciples into 2025 and beyond.
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January 2024 Newsletter

Classes resumed as usual this year and everything went well except for a hiccup with our Hillside dojo at Banchory. More news about that later in this newsletter. We welcomed a number of new students this year, and we hope you continue to enjoy your karate journey with us. As usual however we had the drop-in visitors who never came back, and several members who had to leave us due to work or family circumstances.
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January 2023 Newsletter

After 2 years of lockdowns making Melbourne the most locked down city in the world, we were finally released from detention.  Classes have returned to normal, and we certainly hope this stays!! We are still being required to have a Covid plan in place, and to observe heightened standards of hygiene and so on, but contact training and kumite is now being practiced again. 
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January 2022 Newsletter

Well, in 2021 it was like “, here we go again” with Covid19 restrictions and lockdowns.  We ended the year holding the world record for being the longest lockdown city in the world.  Boy, that’s a prize I don’t think sits well with “World’s Most Liveable City”.

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January 2021 Newsletter

Well, the year 2020 was certainly a difficult year. As we all know the Coronavirus pandemic caused havoc across the world. Here in Melbourne, we had the toughest lock down in the world and as a result, we eliminated the virus from our state.

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January 2020 Newsletter

A major highlight of the day was the promotion of Jack Daws from the Westmeadows dojo, and Con and Jake Daglis from the Hillside dojo to 1st Dan Black Belt.

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January 2019 Newsletter

A major highlight of the day was the promotion of Stephen Afflitto, Nathan Daws and Prashant Sehgal from the Westmeadows dojo, and Shane Huntington and Alexander Hodge from the Hillside dojo to 1st Dan Black Belt. 

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January 2018 Newsletter

A successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 19PthP December. Members from the Westmeadows and Hillside dojos came together for a combined night. It was agreed by all seniors that this was the best grading we have ever held in trms of overall standard. 

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January 2017 Newsletter

We are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing you all when class recommences.  We are sure 2017 will be exciting and productive for everybody!!!

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January 2016 Newsletter

This year without a doubt, the most important thing to happen to us was the much anticipated visit to Australia by our teacher Tsubamoto Sensei from Tokyo .

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January 2015 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on Wednesday the 17th December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading.

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February 2014 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 17th December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading.

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January 2013 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 18th December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading.

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February 2012 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 18th December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading.

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January 2011 Newsletter

VISIT TO MELBOURNE BY ISHII SENSEI Whilst in Tokyo, Shihan was asked by Sensei Tsubamoto to accept Sensei Kazuo Ishii in Melbourne for 3 weeks for the purpose of training Shihan Graeme in all Ichikawa style Goju katas and training with Shushin Kai.

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February 2010 Newsletter

Successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 17PthP December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading. Many thanks to Amie who organized the annual Xmas raffle. 

Many, many thanks to those who supported the raffle by donating money and prizes.

And to all members who assisted the club by selling raffle tickets. Thank you all.

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February 2009 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 18thP December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading. 

Many thanks to Bill who video’d the evening for us. Also re the raffle...many thanks to Amie who led the raffle. Many, many thanks to those who supported the raffle by donating money and prizes.

And to all members who assisted the club by selling raffle tickets. Thank you all.

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January 2008 Newsletter

A really successful Breakup night was held at the Hillside dojo on 18thP December. A good class was in attendance for a tough workout on basics, bunkai, sparring and kata for the grading.

Many thanks to Bill who video’d the evening for us. Also re the raffle...many thanks to Amie who led the raffle. Many, many thanks to those who supported the raffle by donating money and prizes.

And to all members who assisted the club by selling raffle tickets. Thank you all.

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