Last Night of Training 2022

Training Day 2023

Chan winner of Ichikawa Memorial Trophy for Kata

Noor Winner of Junior Sparring

Steve Afflitto Club Kumite Champ

Black Belts 2023

Black Belts 2.0 :)

Chan graded to Shodan

Gabi Stojkoska winner of the 2022 Student of the Year!

The Officials Training Day 2019
The forgotten heroes of our Training Day 2019!

Dan grades 2019!
Sensei Lincoln and Shihan Graeme with Marc our new Sandan and our three new Shodan's Con, Jake and Jack at Training Day 2019.

2019 Tournament Winner!
The Training Day 2019 Tournament winner Jordan!

Shihan Sepai

October 2014, after last training session. Lincoln sensei, Ishii sensei, Graeme sensei, Ono sensei, Yuki Tsubamoto.
Graeme sensei with Tsubamoto sensei
Lincoln sensei meeting the Buddha at Asakasa
Ono sensei and Lincoln sensei relax after lunch at Mt Fuji
After last session, class photo.
Graeme sensei and Lincoln sensei at Ichikawa Sensei’s grave.
Sensei Lincoln outside ice cave at Mt Fuji

Brother's in action
Last night at the Hillside dojo. Kicking instruction and practice took place. Here is Jerome (9 years) practicing a jumping front kick against the bag held by his brother, Jacob. Good form!!! S1

Practicing Naihanchi Sandan
Hillside training last night. Suraj confusing the class with his rendition of Naihanchi Sandan Looks pretty good actually!!!

Female Black Belts
Hombu dojo, Saturday, 1 June, 2003. Our female Black Belts. Shodans Kimberley and Nicole, and Sandan Vicki. Better looking than those guys!!!

Jerome and Zachary facing off at Hillside dojo 28 May 2013. We were practicing sen-no-sen...attacking when your opponent changes their kamae. Watching, watching, waiting, waiting.....who broke first???

Naihanchi Sandan
Sunday 26 May 2013. Sensei John Forza teaches Naihanchi Sandan to Asanka, Kimberley and Suraj in preparation for our trip to Japan. Members who didn't come missed out!!! (Vicki trained with Sensei John and Shihan on Friday). Well done everybody, its looking good. We also practiced Sepai, and that's coming along nicely too!!!

Kata Sanchin
Training on 20 May, 2013 at hombu dojo. Suraj Fernando (Nidan) practicing kata Shisochin.

Pre grading training session
A terrific grading last night at Hillside dojo!!! 9 members graded and all were successful. New belts and certificates will be awarded in our next class. The standard was great last night, and I was very proud of all of our students. The adults were terrific, but most excitement was for our juniors Erjan, Zachary and Jerome who demonstrated technical skill as well as strong spirit!!!! Congratulations. The future of karate-do, and Shushin Kai is in good hands!!!! The grading was video'd and after Marc has edited the footage, copies will be made available to members. The attached photo shows the pre grading basics session. Front row features the juniors, Jerome,Erjan and Zachary.

Push hands
The main subject of study at the Black Belt class was to practice push hands (kakie), based on the Yin - Yang (Inyo) symbol. Here Sensei Lincoln is explaining an application to Kimberley.

Punching the bags
Black Belt Training class Saturday 4 May at hombu dojo. Warm-ups included a vigorous session punching the bags. This aerobic exercise was introduced to the club many years ago by Sensei Lincoln following his experiences working with Australian Football League clubs the Western Bulldogs and the Brisbane Lions.

Practicing Sepai
Hillside training Thursday2 May, 2013. Nicole says "If you guys at Gladstone Park can get your faces on Facebook practicing Sepai, then so can I. And what's more, a closer photo. AND.... I think my Sepai is better......" Adam went to Hillside last night and wanted his photo taken again.....what a poser!!! Nah, well done to you both!!! S1

Practicing kata Sepai
Training at Ginifer dojo, Wednesday night 1st May, 2013. Practicing kata Sepai are from left to right....3rd Dan Vicki Katte, 2nd Dan Suraj Fernando and 1st Dans Adam Blanche and Marc Del Cimmuto. Well done folks!!!! S1

Sparring drills
Practicing pre-arranged sparring drills at training last night. Sophie Karavaras practices with Shodan, Kimberley Johnson. Don't hit her Sophie, Kimmie can now quickly institute legal proceedings....

Kata Sepai
Training at Westmeadows dojo last night, 29 April, Shodan, Marc Del Cimmuto demonstrates kata Sepai. Very nice stance Marc.....and from this angle, very handsome!!!! Keep up the good work.

Open dojo class
This is the group that trained today Sunday 28 April at our open dojo class, 8am to 11am. Pictured here after class are Sean Carville, Kimberley Johnson, Asanka Silva, Nicole Georgiadis, Vicki Katte, Sensei Graeme, Sensei John Forza and Zeno Almeida. Shushin Kai members who did not attend today missed out on a great session!!! Don't miss next time!!!. Many thanks to Sensei John for his instruction today.

Open dojo training
Open Dojo training at hombu dojo, today, Sunday, 28th April. Visiting Instructor, Sensei John Forza, 5th Dan from Ohtsuka Sensei of Gojukensha teaches Naihanchi Sandan kata. This is a supplementary kata for us, but is required for our visit to japan later this year.

First ever Sunday class
Sunday 14 April the first ever regular classes on a Sunday at the hombu dojo have begun. Pictured here, Sandan Edwin and Shodans Asanaka and Kimberley practice Seisan kata in preparation for our upcoming visit to Shigaku Kan in Tokyo.

Nicole taking basics
Last night at the Hillside dojo. Shodan, Nicole taking basics. Here's the front row of juniors .....