Location: Westmeadows Public Hall, Raleigh St, Westmeadows (opp Westmeadows Tavern).
Days: Monday
Times: Senior Class : 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
Junior Class (minimum age 9 years): 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

Location: Wednesday training is at our Hombu (home) dojo. Address and details will be advised to new members when joining the club. No visitors at this dojo.
Days: Wednesday
Times: Senior Class : 7:00pm - 9:00pm Junior Class (minimum age 9 years): 7:00pm - 9:00pm.

Location: Banchory Community Centre, 17 Banchory Ave, Hillside VIC 3037
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Times: Senior Class : 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
Junior Class (minimum age 9 years): 7:00pm - 8:00pm.

PRINCIPAL INSTRUCTOR: Graeme McConnell-Brown (Shihan) 8th Dan.

CHIEF INSTRUCTOR: Lincoln McConnell-Brown (Sensei) 7th Dan.

INCORPORATION: The club is an incorporated body under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Victoria) under the name Japanese Karate Academy Inc. The Rules of Association are available to you through your instructor. Shushin Kai practices Ichikawa-ha Nihon Goju-Ryu and Sensei Ichikawa's Nihon Koshu-do.

KARATE STYLE: The club teaches Goju-Ryu Karate. Real Go-Ju (hard-soft) is difficult to find and practice. The true combination of hard and soft is misunderstood and therefore not practiced by most goju schools. Shushin Kai practices the real goju passed down through generations of karate masters and includes the teachings of Ichikawa Sensei . Shushin Kai also practices the esoteric martial art of Nihon Koshu-do, which was created and named by Grandmaster Sosui Ichikawa. It is a development of Goju-Ryu beyond the Miyagi – Higa lineage, and includes Grandmaster Ichikawa’s own research, development and teachings.

TRAINING: Training sharply focusses on goju-ryu specific warm-ups and stretching, strong emphasis on basics, kata and self defence applications drawn from kata practice. We do not practice karate as a sport, but rather as an esoteric and real karate-do.

UNIFORM/PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: We can arrange for you to obtain a karate uniform (dogi) and the necessary protective equipment. Only a full white traditional karate uniform may be worn whilst training although you may wear any loose fitting clothing such as a t-shirt and tracksuit pants when you first start lessons. It is expected that you will obtain the correct uniform and protective equipment soon after you begin karate training. In time, students need to obtain and use approved hand mitts and shin/instep protectors and a mouth guard and for males, a groin guard. It is not permitted to wear watches, jewellery, any sort of bracelet or body piercing fittings when training. Club badges will be made available to you when you pay your initial Membership fee and have a uniform. Additional badges are available for extra gi's, T-Shirts, tracksuits and so on.

ETIQUETTE : You will be expected to observe a small number of formalities and points of etiquette in the dojo. These will be explained to you by your instructor or senior students. The earliest etiquette to observe is to bow when entering and leaving the dojo. Courtesy and proper manners are expected. Instructors are addressed as “Shihan” or “Sensei”, and other Black Belts as “Sempai” at all times.

MEMBERSHIP FEES: These fees are payable when you join the club and are renewable every 12 months as shown on your Membership Card.

MONTHLY TRAINING FEES: Monthly Training fees cover actual training in our dojos, and apply in full for every month except January, and apply irrespective of the number of weeks or training nights in any month. Monthly Training fees cover training at the student’s home dojo. Students may train at any other dojo at no extra charge, therefore potentially the fees cover between 2 and 4 training sessions per week. Monthly training fees are due on the first training night of each month.

TRAINING BREAKS: All dojos operate through school holidays. No dojos are open on Public holidays. A break is taken over the Xmas/New Year period. Any other variations to training dates will be advised by your instructor.

MARTIAL ARTS ACCIDENT INSURANCE: Martial Arts accident Insurance is compulsory. The cost of insurance is included in the yearly Membership fee.

Please note: All fees and insurance must be up to date to attend classes, undertake grading tests or participate in other club activities.

GRADINGS: Regular gradings are held each year, and providing you have trained regularly (in the kyu grades a minimum of 20 lessons between gradings) and made the necessary progress you will be permitted to attend the grading examination. Students start as white belts and progress through the grades or Kyu's to Black Belt. As you progress, various belt colours are used to indicate your grade. Certificates and new belts are issued upon successfully passing each grading test.

9th  Kyu White Taikyoku
8th " White/black bar Gekiha
7th " Yellow Sanchin
6th " Orange Tensho
5th " Blue Saifa
4th " Green Naihanchi Shodan
3rd " Brown Sanseiru
2nd " Brown & 1 Black Bar Seienchin
1st " Brown & 2 Black Bars Shisochin
Shodan (1st Dan) (Black) Seipai
Nidan (2nd Dan) (Black) Seisan
Sandan(3rd Dan) (Black) Kurarunfa
Yondan(4th Dan) (Black) Superinpai

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION: Your Membership Application form enables us to keep track of our membership and to keep in contact with you in holiday periods. We pass much club communication by email, so please advise an email address.

WEBSITE : Club members are encouraged to visit the club’s website at This website contains a large selection of articles and information about the club as well as a photo album. Members are also encouraged to visit our Facebook page at ShushinKaiGojuRyuKarate.