1.The dojo is Sacred. Karate begins with bowing and ends with bowing.

2. Achieving progress with kata requires diligent practice, skillful analysis, and correct understanding of all of the katas.

3.When practicing kumite in the dojo it is necessary for each student to grasp the exact meaning of the katas that have been taught. In this way the meaning can be applied to kumite.

4.It is imperative that we follow the katas, which our ancestors have created, teach them without change.

Except after mastery of all katas it is allowed to invent or create a personal kata out of katas which have already been learned and understood.

5. The secret essence of karate consists of:

a) Tenshin - Measurement of correct standing position.

b) Hente - A change in technique that is applied after, as a replacement for, or as a continuation of the original technique.

c) Kokyu - study of controlling inhalation and exhalation.

d) Ki - to learn and to control energy through proper training.

e) Tako - to learn to control your attacker’s force with your touch.

It is strictly observed that there is no rule in our ancestors' karate to take the offensive.


Sosui Ichikawa